EDU 551 Assessing Technology-Based Resources for Differentiation


Brief description of each technology. - 4

  1. Google Documents. This is still one of the best ways for students to work together and for teachers to provide feedback to a student. Google documents allow me to put students in groups based on their grade-level knowledge. This puts all the students in the group on the same level playing field. This helps them not to feel intimidated by other classmates who they view as more intelligent than them. 
  2. Prezi - Again, still one of the best out there. I usually break my students into three levels of differentiation. Level 1 being below level and 3 being above level. Using Prezi I can record three different videos to push out to my students. Level 1 video offers more scaffolding and explanation, and Level 3 offers little guidance.  
  3. Flipgrid. I am still amazed at the number of teachers who don't know Flipgrid. Flipgrid allows me to send out an assignment video, and the students, in turn, "flip" it back to me with their answers. I can either play these to the group or watch them in private. Another excellent way to send out an assignment with more detail and scaffolding to the students who need it.  
  4. Boomwriter. Since I teach ELA, programs like Boomwriter are outstanding. Using the prompts provided, students can continue the story in their own words. Since the students are logged into their accounts, I can cater the writing prompts to their grade level. 

Breakdown of each technology concerning ease of use, practicality of incorporation, cost, user friendliness (for teacher and student), and cross-curricular ability.

Google Docs

Ease of Use - 10/10. By the time they to me in 7th and 10th grade, they are experts at it. 

Practicality - 10/10 - Can easily be incorporated for assignments or assessments. 

Cost - 10/10 

User Friendliness - 8/10 - Docs needs some updates to make it more accessible and some of the features easier to use and find. 

Cross-Curricular - 10/10 - Can be used with other classes and shared with other students in other subjects. 


Ease of Use - 7/10 - there is a learning curve, but not difficult

Practicality - 10/10 - can be used for multiple learning styles and in multiple ways in the classroom

Cost - 5/10 - Even the basic plan is $5 bucks a month per person. 

User Friendliness - 8/10 - Easy tools to learn, easy to navigate. 

Cross-Curricular - 10/10 - can easily be shared and used with multiple subjects at one time. 


Ease of Use - 10/10. Super easy. All students catch on quickly on how to use it. 

Practicality - 10/10 - Can easily be incorporated for assignments or assessments. 

Cost - 10/10 

User Friendliness - 10/10 - Easy to navigate and respond to each other. 

Cross-Curricular - 10/10 - Can be used with other classes and shared with other students in other subjects. 


Ease of Use - 9/10. Easy for students to follow and respond. It can be a bit tricky finding saved responses. 

Practicality - 10/10 - Can easily be incorporated for assignments or assessments. 

Cost - 3/10 - $13 a month will not be worth it for some teachers who find free prompts online and use google docs. 

User Friendliness - 10/10 - Easy for students to navigate and enter their responses. 

Cross-Curricular - 10/10 - Can be used with other classes and shared with other students in other subjects. 

How each selected technology differentiates for readiness, interest, and learning styles.

Google Docs 

They can easily share the knowledge they already know and have attained. Their learning can be used in google docs, whether it's visual, verbal, or kinesthetic. 


This app allows students to present back to me the knowledge they gained from a lesson. Or it is a way for me to present to them to provide the best scaffolding they need. Since it is catered to them, they are more engaged and can present back to me in a comfortable style. 


Much like Prezi, this app allows for differentiation and student's response. Flipgrid is used more for fun, quick assessment, or assignments, so students have more leeway and creative license. 


Boomwrite does an excellent job of leading the student into what is needed to be written. As assigned by me, some prompts will be more straightforward, while upper-level students will be challenged with more challenging passages. You can also choose topics that interest the writers. 

Appropriate instructional strategies are supported by using each technology to enrich learning experiences and account for individual student differences and learning styles.

Google Docs

Google docs can fit into almost any instructional strategy you can think of. I use it mainly for higher-order thinking, assessment, and summary. 


Prezi can be used to activate a student's knowledge, primarily how it can be related to the outside world. Prezi can be used by the teacher as a lecture time and used to present a lecture back to me. 


I use flipgrid a lot to get students moving. They are encouraged to be active and create "skits" using this app. 


This app is used for higher-order thinking and summary. They are creating through writing, sometimes even coming up with prompts for other students. 

(Edutopia, 2011)

Select two of the technologies. Describe how each promotes learning and creates ownership of learning among the students

Flipgrid is a tool for the creative juices of a student. It fits into the short video culture of TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. I push out a question or assignment, and they film a response back to me. This provides them a chance to come up with their way of responding. 


Boomwrite is excellent for giving the students differentiated prompts. They can take the story in the direction they want to; they have creative license.  


10 Powerful Instructional Strategies. Edutopia. November, 2011. 

30 Sites for Differentiated Instruction. TechLearningMagazine. February, 2020

10 Ways to Differentiate Instruction with Technology. Whooo's Reading Blog. September 


  1. James,
    Thanks for all the great suggestions. Boomwrite sounds like a great technological tool which could be used to differentiate and provide support for learners struggling to express their thoughts and ideas. I have many students who have very low writing abilities. By providing prompts for my lower-level students would empower them to begin the writing process. This tool could also be used for the students to use and then record their responses additional support was recommended.

  2. Mr Mustion,
    I liked learning a little bit about Flipgrid. I have a couple of questions before I try to dive in with it. Is there a limit to the length of the videos? Since you have used this program, how likely do you feel students would be able to show their explanation in solving or working an algebraic equation? Thanks in advance, sir.



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