Differentiation with Technology

 How each technology will be used within the lesson plan. 

I have added these different teaching moments in my lessons plans. All of these moments use technology to teach about or promote cultural diversity. It is what I like to call "Teachnology" moments. As we all know, technology is the most vital tool to expand our students' global mindset. "Digital content is among the tools educators can use to integrate a culturally responsive teaching framework into classroom instruction. It can help students develop their own voice and become academically successful and critically conscious forces of change in their communities." (Getting Smart, 2017) 

How each technology engages students and how you will ensure the technology is being used appropriately

For the first teaching moment for the unit, I had students use youtube to find a video representing an international culture living in the United States. Make sure the video shows an aspect that is unique to their culture. For example, a holiday tradition or a traditional food they eat.  This unit is about researching a state and the primary goal of this moment is to introduce them to the mindset of different cultures in the world. This will carry over to the second day of the unit, where they create a 1-minute video describing a holiday tradition that your family does.  Explain how this tradition is similar to the one from a different culture.  This shows them that each race and culture have traditions they celebrate. "It's also important for students to celebrate and respect their own diverse backgrounds, as well as each other's. When appropriate, teachers should encourage students to research and learn about their own ethnic and cultural backgrounds." (Drexel, 2019).  Finally, they create a graph showing how many different people groups are represented in their state on the last day of the unit. 

How each learning opportunity promotes global awareness or diverse cultural perspectives

"The idea behind global awareness is to create global citizens who are open to those raised in different countries, cultures and religious settings. For teachers, it's an opportunity to open students' eyes to how everyday decisions in their own lives can impact the lives of people around the globe." (Fresno Pacific University, 2018) All three of these technology enhances teaching moments show the students the diversity of other cultures, how their traditions are just important as their own, and how each state have different people groups living amongst us. 


Building Culturally Responsive Classrooms with Digital Content.  https://www.gettingsmart.com/2017/02/20/culturally-responsive-classrooms-digital-content/. Getting Smart. February, 2017.

The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom. https://drexel.edu/soe/resources/student-teaching/advice/importance-of-cultural-diversity-in-classroom/. Drexel University,  October, 2019. 

What is Global Awareness and Why Does it Matter? - FPU. https://ce.fresno.edu/news/what-is-global-awareness-and-why-does-it-matter. Fresno Pacific University. December, 2018. 


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